List of battles since 2001


21st century


Battle Date Description
Operation Essential Harvest January - November A terrorist group known as the National Liberation Army terrorise the town of Tetovo in present-day Republic of Macedonia. The Macedonian armies are later helped by NATO to disarm the National Liberation Army.
Battle of Mazar-e-Sharif November 9 United States and Northern Alliance forces defeat Taliban forces in the city as part of the U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan.
Battle of Herat November 12 Special Operations Forces of the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran assist the Afghan Northern Alliance in seizing Herat from the Taliban amidst a coordinated insurrection and local uprising.
Battle of Kabul November 13 - 14 Northern Alliance and US forces attack Kabul and capture it from the Taliban.
Battle of Tarin Kowt November 13 - 14 Hamid Karzai's Eastern Alliance together with US forces defend the town of Tarin Kowt from the Taliban.
Battle of Kandahar November 22 – December 7 A force of local militia under Pashtun military commanders and their American advisers capture the last major city under Taliban control.
Battle of Qala-i-Jangi November 25 – December 1 Northern Alliance fighters, assisted by British and American Special Forces, quell an uprising of foreign Taliban prisoners.
Battle of Tora Bora December 12 - 17 Coalition and Northern Alliance forces besiege Al-Qaida forces. Presumably, Osama bin Laden was present, but escaped.


Battle Date Description
Operation Anaconda March 1 - 19 The largest land battle between US forces and Taliban militia ends in an unsuccessful US attempt to dislodge the Taliban from their mountain strongholds
Operation Defensive Shield 29 March - 3 May Israeli operation in the West Bank, aimed to halt Palestinian suicide bombings against civilians in Israel during the Second Intifada, which results in extensive damage to terrorist infrastructure and an important decrease of Palestinian attacks:
Battle of Jenin April 3 - 11 Israel defeats Palestinian militants in the city of Jenin.
Battle of Bethlehem 2 April - 10 May Israel occupies Bethlehem and tries to capture wanted Palestinian militants who are hiding in the Church of the Nativity.
Battle of Nablus April 5 - 8 Israel defeats Palestinian militants in the city of Nablus.


Battle Date Description
Battle of Nasiriyah March 23 - 29 American armored and mechanized units force a crossing over the Euphrates River, despite stiff resistance from the Iraqis.
Battle of Najaf 26 March - 3 April The American 327th Infantry Regiment defeats the Iraqis and takes the city, allowing them to protect vital supply lines for Coalition forces.
Battle of Karbala March 27 & 28 The American 3rd Infantry Division defeats Iraq's elite Republican Guard, resulting in 200 Iraqi casualties.
Battle of Baghdad April 3 - 12 American forces capture the Iraqi capital from Saddam Hussein's forces, causing the downfall of his government.
Battle of Basra 6 April British forces manage to secure the city after a month of some of the fiercest fighting since the outbreak of the war.
Battle of Debecka Pass 6 April The US forces capture a major crossroad near the village of Debecka in Iraq.


Battle Date Description
Battle of Wana March 16 - 23 Part of the Waziristan War, Pakistani army takes over Taliban positions.
First Battle of Fallujah 4 April - 1 May Also called Operation Vigilant Resolve; US forces attempt to retake Fallujah from the control of Iraqi insurgency, resulting a ceasefire and American withdrawal.
Battle of Najaf 5 April - August Fighting breaks out in a cemetery near the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf between United States forces and the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr.
Operation Rainbow May 18 - 23 Successful Israeli military operation against Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PCR.
Operation Days of Penitence 30 September- 16 October Israeli offensive launched into the northern Gaza Strip. Israel claims victory after stating its goal of preventing Palestinian militants from firing Qassam rockets into Israeli settlements in Gaza and at the town of Sderot.
Second Battle of Fallujah 7 November - 23 December Also known as Operation Phantom Fury and Operation al-Fajr; Coalition forces recapture rebel-held Fallujah in the largest post-invasion clash so far in the war.


Battle Date Description
Battle of Al Qaim May 8 - 19 Military offensive conducted by the United States Marine Corps, against insurgent positions in Iraq's northwestern Anbar province, ending with US tactical victory.
Battle of Nalchik 13 October The Yarmuk Jamaat take on Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria in Russia. They are defeated by Russian security forces.
Second Battle of Adre 18 December Rally for Democracy and Liberty attack the government garrison at Adre, Chad. The garrison had been forewarned, and defeats their attackers, taking few casualties.


Battle Date Description
Battle of N'Djamena 13 April The Chadian rebel group United Front for Democratic Change attacks the capital city of Chad. The rebels are forced to retreat by the Military of Chad. Chad breaks off relations with Sudan as a result.
Second Battle of Mogadishu 7 May - 11 July Militia loyal to the Islamic court union defeats the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism and takes control of the Somali capital Mogadishu.
Operation Mountain Thrust 15 May- 31 July The largest offensive against the Taliban since 2001 is launched by Coalition forces.
Operation Together Forward 14 June-24 October The Coalition is unsuccessful in succuring Baghdad and reducing violence.
Operation Summer Rains since 28 June Israel enters the Gaza Strip searching for soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted in a raid.
Zar'it-Shtula incident 12 July A cross-border Hezbollah raid captures two Israeli soldiers. Israeli troops enters Lebanon in an unsuccessful attempt to get them back. This ignites the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.
Battle of Habbaniyah 15 July - December U.S. Marines of the Third Battalion, Second Marine Division, sweep through urban sprawl between Ramadi and Fallujah in a series of operations (i.e. Operations Rubicon and Sidewinder), disrupting flow of Al-Qaeda into both cities, and killng and capturing over 300 insurgents. Action centered around Kilo Company, nicknamed "Voodoo", in the town of Husaybah, on the outskirts of Ramadi, killing 20+ insurgents and capturing/wounding 137, while losing only 4 Marines KIA, 17 WIA. The battalion lost 14 Marines KIA, 50+ WIA.
Battle of Bint Jbail 24 July- 11 August Israel retreats after attempting to take the town of Bint Jbail in Lebanon, regarding it as a "Hezbollah stronghold".
Battle of Ayta ash-Shab 31 July-11 August Israel engages in a firefight with Hezbollas in the Lebanese town of Ayta ash-Shab.
Operation Sharp and Smooth August 1 & 2 An Israeli airborne operation captures five Lebenese civilians and kills what it claims to be Hezbolla members.
2006 Tyre raid August 4 Israel successfully raids Tyre to attack Hezbollah members based there.
2006 Litani offensive August 11 - 14 Israel launches the final offensive in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict to clear Southern Lebanon of as many Hezbolla militants as possible before the ceasefire takes effect. The battle and war end with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.
Operation Medusa September 2 - 17 Coalition troops attacks the Taliban insurgency, securing a tactical victory.
Operation Mountain Fury 09/16/06 - 01/15/07 Coalition forces launch a successful follow up to Operation Medusa in an attempt to clear eastern Afghanistan of the Taliban.
Battle of Baidoa December 20 - 26 ICU militia battle the Somali Transitional Federal Government. Ethiopian and TFG troops successfully defend and counterattack against the ICU taking the ICU base cities of Dinsoor and Bur Hakaba.
Battle of Bandiradley December 23 - 25 Ethiopian/Puntland offensive in Bandiradley, Somalia pushes the Islamic Courts out of the city and opens up a northern front in the Somali Civil War.
Battle of Beledweyne 24–25 December Ethiopian offensive towards the city of Jowhar overruns the Islamic Courts stronghold of Beledweyne during the Somali Civil War.
Battle of Jowhar 27 December Ethiopian/TFG armoured offensive hits the ICU stronghold of Jowhar, forcing the Islamists to pull back, and bringing the Ethiopians/Government troops within 90 km of Mogadishu. The battle also effectively flanked and threatened to cut off ICU forces still in the Bay region.
28 December Ethiopia captures Mogadishu.


Battle Date Description
Battle of Ras Kamboni January 5 - 12 The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, in coalition with Ethiopia and the US, defeats the Islamic Courts Union.
Battle of Najaf (2007) January 28 - 29 Iraqi and Coalition forces defeat the Soldiers of Heaven cult.
Operation Law and Order 14 February - 24 November US troops successfully battle Iraqi insurgents to restore law and order in Baghdad.
Battle of Mogadishu 21 March - 26 April Ethiopian, Somalian and Ugandan forces battle the Popular Resistance Movement indecisively.
Operation Achilles May 6 - 30 Tactically successful Coalition operation in Afghanistan to clear the Helmand Province of Taliban terrorists.
Battle of Nahr el-Bared May 20 - September 7 Armed conflict after Fatah al-Islam, an Islamist militant organization, lays siege to the refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared for Palestinians in Lebanon.
Battle of Gaza (2007) June 7 - 15 Hamas defeats the Fatah, and takes over the Gaza Strip.
Battle of Chora June 15 - 19 Coalition forces capture Chora District in Oruzgan Province from the Taliban.
Battle of Musa Qala December 7 - 12 ISAF and Afghan forces capture Musa Qala District in Helmand Province from the Taliban.
Battle of Thoppigala 25 April - 11 June Sri Lanka Army captures Toppigala Jungle in Estern Province from the LTTE.


Battle Date Description
Battle of the Forward Defence Lines 2 January - 24 November Victorious 2008 SLA Northern Offensive in Sri Lanka
Battle of N'Djamena February 2–4 Forces loyal to the President of Chad defeat a rebellion.
Operation Hot Winter 29 February - 3 March Israel Defense Forces campaign in the Gaza Strip in response to Qassam rockets fired by Hamas.
2008 Mardakert skirmishes 4 March Skirmishes between the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan, victory undecided.
Battle of Basra March 25-31 Iraqi Army attempt to clear the city of Basra from Mahdi Army militiamen is successful and the Maliki government forces them to cease activities.
2008 attack on Omdurman and Khartoum May 10-12 The Darfuri rebel group Justice and Equality Movement attack the Sudanese cities of Omdurman and Khartoum unsuccessfully.
2008 Djiboutian-Eritrean border conflict June 10-13 Minor skirmishes between Djibouti and Eritrea, ending in victory of Djibouti forces.
Battle of Arghandab June 18 and 19 NATO led forces launch a successful offensive to clear the Taliban out of Arghandab district and from nearby Kandahar.
Battle of Wanat 13 July Significant American casualties among the defending paratroopers leads to American withdrawal following Taliban early morning attack.
Battle of Tskhinvali August 8-10 Georgians attack the South Ossetian city of Tskhinvali ending in withdrawal by the Georgians.
Battle of the Kodori Gorge August 9-12 Georgian civilians flee their homes in Upper Abkhazia. Georgian military engages Abkhazian military forces unsuccessfully.
Battle of Goma 25 October Part of the ongoing 2008 Nord-Kivu war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Operation Cast Lead 27 December - 18 January Israel launches an air and ground operation to stop Hamas from launching of Qassam and Grad rockets from the Gaza Strip.


Battle Date Description
Battle of Mullaitivu January 2-25 The Sri Lankan army defeats the Tamil Tigers in a battle over the town of Mullaitivu.
Battle of Chalai February 2–6 Sri Lankan Army battles Tamil Tigers to capture one of the last Sea Tiger naval bases.
Battle of Alasay March 14-23 Codename Operation Dinner Out - French and Afghan troops defeat Taliban insurgents in the Alasay Valley.
First and Second Battles of Kakarak March 16 - April 12 Two battles of Australian forces against Taliban insurgents, both victorious.
Battle of Aanandapuram March 29 - April 5 Decisive victory of the Sri Lanka military against the Tamil Tigers.
Battle of Am Dam May 7 and 8 The Chadian Army defeats UFR rebels.
Second Battle of Swat 16 May – 15 July The Pakistani Army retakes the town of Mingora from the Taliban, killing many leaders.
Battle of Dahaneh August 12-15 US, UK and Afghan troops capture the city from Taliban insurgents.
Battle of Kamdesh October 3 Taliban insurgents attack a US Combat Outpost. They are repulsed, but the outpost is abandoned due to damage.
Battle of Daecheong November 10 Clash between South and North Korean naval troops at the Northern Limit Line, ending in a victory for the South.
Operation Cobra's Anger December 4-7 Successful US-led offensive in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan.


Battle Date Description
Operation Moshtarak 13 February - 7 December ISAF pacification offensive in the area that is described as the "poppy-growing belt" of Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan.
Battle of Mogadishu 10 March - 18 April The eighth recognised battle over Mogadishu since 1993.
Battle of Derapet 24 August A combined Australian Army and Afghan National Army patrol defeats Taliban forces.
Operation Bulldog Bite since November 12 Joint U.S. and Afghan counter-insurgent mission in Kunar province, Afghanistan, against Taliban forces.


Battle Date Description
Operation Dawn of Gulf of Aden 16–21 January The South Korean Navy rescues the crew of the hijacked Samho Jewelry, killing eight Somali pirates.
First Battle of Benghazi 17-20 February Libyan rebel forces free the city from Col. Gaddafi's rule - First battle of the Libyan Civil War.
Battle of Misrata 18 February - 15 May After Months of intense fighting, the rebels take full control of the city, supported by NATO aircraft.
First Battle of Zawiya 24 February - 10 March The city is retaken by Libyan elite soldiers, one of the rebels' commanders is killed.
First Battle of Brega 2 March pro-Gaddafi troops fail to retake the city from rebel forces.
Battle of Ra's Lanuf 4-12 March After initial success by the rebel forces, the city is retaken by government troops.
Battle of Bin Jawad 6 March Gaddafi forces retake the city - the initial Rebel offensive westwards is halted.
Second Battle of Brega 13-15 March The city is retaken by Gaddafi forces after the defeats at Ra's Lanuf and Bin Jawad.
Battle of Ajdabiya 15-26 March Initial success by government troops is halted and they are pushed back by rebels, under fire from NATO aircraft.
Second Battle of Benghazi 19-20 March Loyalist forces fail to recapture Benghazi from the now UN-backed rebels.
Third Battle of Brega 31 March - 7 April A rebel advance on Brega is repelled with heavy artillery, Pro-Gaddafi forces march on Ajdabiya.
Battle of Brega-Ajdabiya road 8 April - 13 July Advances on Brega and Ajdabiya by the opposing forces lead to a stagnant frontline in-between the two cities.
Battle of Kandahar 7-9 May The city is besieged by Taliban insurgents, Afghan Police Forces are able to fend them off.
Battle of Sana'a 23 May - 7 June Hashid tribal forces under Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar fight Army troops loyal to president Saleh, resulting in a cease-fire.
Battle of Do Ab 25 May US and Afghan government troops are ambushed by Taliban insurgents and kill most of the attackers.
Fourth Battle of Brega 14 July - 22 August After initial victories of pro-Gaddafi forces, rebels take the city in late August.
Second Battle of Zawiya 13-20 August Rebel forces capture Zawiya and advance on Tripoli.
Battle of Tripoli 20-28 August Tripoli is captured by rebel forces, Gaddafi government collapses.
Battle of Bani Walid 8 September - 17 October Initially, pro-Gaddafi forces fend off anti-Gaddafi forces but on 9 October anti-Gaddafi forces launched a new offensive against the defenders, taking the city by the 17 October.
Battle of Sirte (2011) 15 September - 20 October National Liberation Army soldiers attack the last capital of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and have take it by 20 October. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi also dies this day.